free IP 2 GEO service
We provide the fastest IP-geolocation API in the industry. Our reverse-geocoding engine delivers in less than 50ms.
You may use our service for free, but we appreciate a donation.
No registration required.
Currently serving ≈ 400.000 requests per day!
Gigabit fiber optic connection, California/USA.
Average response time, 100ms.
Top performance and 99.99% uptime.
How it works
Just call our API from your application and parse the JSON response.
You can provide an IP address or use auto detection (see live demo here).
No charge. | No registration. | No logging. | No API key. |
No charge. | No registration. | ||
No logging. | No API key. |
We use IP geolocation (GeoIP) data from a frequently updated database, to provide most accurate data.
Our litespeed server provides http/3 connections with super fast response time.
Our computing resources guarantee high availability of your services.
We provide our services free of charge. You can use it at no cost.